Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Find Love by Alessandro Nivola and Abigail Breslin (cover version)

Find Love by Alessandro Nivola and Abigail Breslin (cover version)
this is the song "Find Love" from The Movie Janie Jones

Dog Cam Pooch Vacations at Posh FireSky Resort Scottsdale, AZ (Kimpton Hotel)

Dog Cam Pooch Vacations at Posh FireSky Resort Scottsdale, AZ (Kimpton Hotel)
What do Jack Benny, Jayne Mansfield, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and I have in common other than our celebrity status? We stayed at or visited FireSky Resort (a Kimpton Hotel) in Scottsdale, AZ! Join me, as I spend a little time away from Las Vegas this holiday season soaking up the Arizona sun and being pampered until my heart's content. See my adventure from a dog's point of view! Don't worry Vegas, I'll be home sooner than you know it :)

Understanding Vitiligo: Misconception & Myth

Understanding Vitiligo: Misconception & Myth
Vitiligo is a skin disorder which causes the loss of pigment - melanin - in the skin. Though it affects around 45 million people worldwide, common understanding of vitiligo has been clouded by misconceptions, leading to the stigmatization of those affected by the disease. Modern medical understanding easily corrects much of this misunderstanding. In presenting this information we hope to facilitate a better common understanding of vitiligo, and to help people gain an insight into this distressing disorder. Produced March 2012 by Clinuvel Quote references: Vitiligo Support International: Kaimal & Thappa, (2010). "Diet in Dermatology". IJDVL 76(2):103-115. Available online: Gauthier & Benzekir in Picardo & Taieb (2010). "Vitiligo". Springer (1st edition). Image references: Selected images courtesy of Pearl E Grimes MD Our thanks to Hedvig Laindahl and Lee Thomas